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The Wedding
MP en Lielie
nooi jou hiermee graag uit na hulle trounaweek
Tweerivier Wildsplaas, Limpopo
16-18 Junie 2023

16 Junie 2023
vanaf 13:00, tot
braaityd verby is.
18 Junie 2023
Net na koffie & beskuit
Time was away and somewhere else,
There were two glasses and two chairs
And two people with the one pulse
(Somebody stopped the moving stairs):
Time was away and somewhere else.
And they were neither up nor down;
The stream’s music did not stop
Flowing through heather, limpid brown,
Although they sat in a coffee shop
And they were neither up nor down.
The bell was silent in the air
Holding its inverted poise—
Between the clang and clang a flower,
A brazen calyx of no noise:
The bell was silent in the air.
The camels crossed the miles of sand
That stretched around the cups and plates;
The desert was their own, they planned
To portion out the stars and dates:
The camels crossed the miles of sand.
Time was away and somewhere else.
The waiter did not come, the clock
Forgot them and the radio waltz
Came out like water from a rock:
Time was away and somewhere else.
Louis MacNeice, Meeting Point
Om kop te hou en in te pak vir 'n hele naweek-partytjie in die bosveld


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Jou lag is ’n oopgebreekte granaat
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dat ek kan hoor hoe lag die granate
Ons musiek
Omdat ons disproporsioneel trots is op ons musieksmaak en nie wil hê almal moet volksvreemd voel op die groot dag nie.
tussen lepel en lip
glip die klip se kloppe
in waarheid se waters
tussen klip-
in-die-water en kop se houdop
glop die maan as dopperdop
en ‘n skip, my beminde,
so vol soos ‘n klip vol hierheid
seilskep my hart
tot aan jou lippe
met hierdie lepel woorde
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